XVth International Winter Road Congress - Gdansk 2018
The XVth International Winter Road Congress was held in Gdansk, Poland, February 20-23, 2018, under the theme " Providing a safe and sustainable winter road service”.

This Congress was organized in close cooperation between the World Road Association (PIARC), responsible for the content and implementation of the programme, and GDDKIA (General Directorate for National Road and Motorways), responsible for the material organization of this Congress on behalf of Poland.
The Congress attracted over 1,000 participants from 42 countries.
It featured the attendance of four Transport Ministers (from Poland, Japan, Lithuania and Montenegro) and many Directors of Roads.
They were treated to a program of 139 oral presentations, 170 posters, 52 exhibitors and 21 of the world’s best snow plow drivers, who enjoyed a friendly and now traditional Championship.
The weather also played a role during this event, as clear skies gave way to snowfall by the last day, adding a familiar color to the Congress.
This site presents the final proceedings of the Congress.
It contains:
- the Congress programme, including the technical programme and the accompanying persons' programme,
- individual articles selected by the Technical Committees and Task Forces from among the proposals received following the call for papers,
- key documents
(World Road Association)