PIARC Awards
The following articles were the recipient of a PIARC award.

The ceremony took place during the Gala Dinner.
- Mr Andres Olloqui, “Avalanche risk management on the road”
- Mr Kazuhide Kiyasu, “Effect of Countermeasures against Heavy Snowfall Disaster on Road Traffic”
- Mrs Ivana Durickovic, “Defrouphrou: Investigation of the Road Salt Phytoremediation Possibilities”
- Mrs Amanda Siems-Anderson, “Use of the Pikalert®Ssystem in the Wyoming Department of Transportation connected vehicle Pilot Deployment”
- Mr Jaakko Klang, “Safety Effects of Lower Speed Limits During Winter Months”
- Mr Juha Äijö, “Winter Maintenance Manual for the Finnish Transportation Agency”
- Mr Henri Giudici, “A Technical Description of LARS and Lumi: Two Apparatus for Studying Tire-pavement Interactions” (Young professionals category)
- Mrs Anna Niska, “Sweep–salting - a Method for Winter Maintenance of Bicycle Paths”
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